AnZaGa Belly Support
AnZaGa Belly Support
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BELLY SUPPORT: Es un suplemento Natural que puede ayudar a reducir peso del area abodominal, el elestreñimiento, y en algunas personas puede ayudar con el ansia de comer, el colesterol. Este producto es recomendado en personas que solo desean bajar el area abdominal. OJO; ANTES DE USAR BELLY SUPPORT DEBES HACER NUESTRO DETOX KIT.
Modo de uso: Tome 1 Cápsula al día durante la primera semana en lo que el cuerpo se adapta. La segunda semana en Adelante puedes tomar 1 capsula cada 2-3 dias para mantenimiento. POR NINGUNA RAZON TOMAR MAS DE UNA CAPSULA POR DIA.
AnZaGa Tips:
- Se recomienda reducir la ingesta de comidas con exceso de grasa.
- Trate de tomar suficiente agua y comer una banana al dia.
- Siempre es recomendable alimentacion sana y ejercicios.
Ingredientes: hoja de sen, aloe gel ,olmo resbaladizo, raíz de malvavisco, cáscara sagrada, ruibarbo, hoja de apio, arándano.
BELLY SUPPORT: It is a Natural supplement that may assists in reducing excess weight from the abdominal area, constipation, and in some individuals it may help with the craving to eat, and cholesterol. This product is recommended in individuals who are interested in losing the weight from the abdominal area. BEFORE TAKING BELLY SUPPORT YOU NEED TO DO OUR DETOX KIT.
How to use: Take 1 Capsule per day during the first week in which the body adapts. From the second week in on you can take 1 capsule every 2-3 days for maintenance. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE TAKE MORE THAN ONE CAPSULE PER DAY.
AnZaGa Tips:
- It is recommended to reduce the intake of foods with excess fat.
- Try to drink enough water and eat a banana a day.
- It is always recommended eat healthy and exercises.
Ingredients: senna leaf, cape aloe ge, slippery elm, marshmallow root, cascara sagrada, rhubarb root,celery leaf, cranberry.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
*Our supplements and products are all-natural, results may vary person to person
*Seek professional advice before using if you are under medical supervision. Do not consume if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.